Education Solutions Partners
Eduvision and select key partners are providing holistic, end to end solutions for using video to enhance teaching, learning and engagement--at a great priceOne Central Video Library with Global Access
More and more, educators are seeking solutions to integrate video into their learning management, student information and professional development systems. Through Eduvision’s REST API, this is not only possible, but is being implemented in many schools. With all of your video in one place, you have the security and control of your video assets to manage, update and and provide access to those who need them.
Experienced Team Delivers Custom Solutions
The eclass4learning team has experience in using instructional technologies and methods to deliver instruction at a distance, including live webcasts, conferences, simulations, multimedia management and customized solutions for school and District clients. eClass4learning has leveraged the Eduvision REST API to integrate the Eduvison platform into the Moodle LMS with great success and has overseen its deployment in Education Agencies, Districts and schools.
Identity Management Single-Sign-On (SSO) with
Eduvision video management platform
K-12 Enterprise Solution
JDL Horizons is pleased to partner with Edutone to provide EduPass, an on-demand integrated single sign-on and video delivery platform. This solution enables schools to create, distribute and manage digital content, tools and services needed by their stakeholders when they need it.
With high availability and reliability using Edupass, schools can now provide resources on-line via the web and through mobile devices to create, manage and distribute 21st century personalized teaching and learning resources to anyone, anywhere and at any time.
This solution provides effective access and implementation to mobile, web and Software as a Service (SaaS) based digital resources in a useful way allowing access to all desired resources to be fast, simple and easy. EduPass is agnostic and provides connectors for seamless access to applications created by Microsoft, Google and Apple.
The Edupass single-sign-on can be made available to schools for easy embed into any web page or mobile platform and will allow for new connectors to be created for new platforms and apps in the future.