Integrating Eduvision With Your Key Management Systems
Achieve total workflow integration for teachers, students and administrators using video
Eduvision is a great stand-alone product, but through the power of our robust REST APIs, you can extend the power of Eduvision by integrating with your LMS, CMS or other key operational systems.
This means busy teachers and students have no new workflow to learn as they use video for teaching and learning
The Power of the REST API
The Eduvision REST API is well developed with release 5 in the field and 6 coming soon. REST has emerged as a predominant web API design model. With the Eduvision REST API we can efficiently integrate with other open platform Learning Management Systems, Student Information Systems and Professional Development Systems.
Adding an Eduvision video resource in Moodle, pictured here, was built as a no cost plugin by our partner eClass4Learningusing our API.
One Video Library with Global Access
Video, managed through your Eduvision portal can be seamlessly added for embedding and playing from your other open platform systems like Moodle or other Learning Management Systems. With all of your video in one place, you have both security and control of your video assets to manage, update and allocate both your video and your users, who have access. Every release is additive and supports newly released features available to everyone.

Eduvision Relay
The “Easy” Button for Mobile Platforms
Top K-12 Media Platform, Eduvision, is now integrated with TechSmith’s highly popular suite of products, creating the world’s simplest way to create, host and distribute rich media and video assets. This dynamic suite of products, including Eduvision, Relay, SnagIt, Camtasia Studio for PC & Mac is being offered at dramatically reduced pricing to enable teachers and their students to more efficiently use video to enhance teaching, professional development and learning.
This new product offering also enables administrators to enhance communication and provides the opportunity to provide online instruction anywhere, anytime.
It’s Easy
Step 1: LogIn
Get your server address, user name and password from your EduVision Relay administrator, and then log in as you normally do.
Step 2: Record
Simply touch record to begin capturing video straight from your device’s camera, or import existing items from your camera roll.
Step 3: Send
Give your video a title and description and Submit your video to the Eduvision Relay server. Based on your EduVision policies, it will become available in minutes for approval or publish automatically
It’s Powerful
- Teachers and Students are using video to enhance teaching and learning
- Flipped Classroom Instruction
- Video course content available anytime, anywhere
- Class time used for coaching and student/teacher interaction
- Student homework
- Video as homework
- Student-led productions
- Blended Learning
- Learning Outside the Classroom
- 7×24 PD
- Flipped Classroom Instruction
- Administrators Enhancing Communications
- Live and Recorded Events
- School Board meetings
- District-wide Announcements
- Parent Connections
- Weekly News Magazines
- etc… The Sky is the Limit